Originally known as Zamá, dawn in ancient Maya, Tulum is a place framed by a mystical and spiritual aura, it was the site chosen by the Maya to establish a walled city and a trade center.
At present, the archaeological zone is part of the municipality of Tulum. The region is a mixture of archaeological sites, natural beauties, cenotes and paradisiacal beaches, without neglecting the contemporary lifestyle. Tulum is a magical ancestral setting, covered by incredible landscapes that invite meditation
and to meet oneself. The Casa Libre project is located in
Aldea Zamá, the best residential area of Tulum.
Casa Libre is designed to discover the free spirit that lives in
the inside of each one of us. It is a site of contact with nature and with the essence of the human being. Airena is the first space in which Casa Libre will be developed, where you can live a unique experience that will allow you to immerse yourself in the
Magic surroundings of Tulum.
Casa Libre Airena, has 30 luxury residences located in Tulum in areas ranging from 98 to 262 square meters. Each one is designed to cover different lifestyles: Garden House, Department and Penthouse
Water Rail
Sea of Hammocks
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